In the wild, American mink are solitary, active, intelligent predators. They keep to themselves outside of the breeding season, and male mink are particularly intolerant of each other. Mink are semi-aquatic, spending much of their lives in or around water.

• A mink's home range averages around 2-5 miles
• Mink can run up to 8 miles per hour in short bursts
• Mink can dive underwater to depths of about 16 feet
• Mink can swim underwater continuously for 50-100 feet

The conditions on a fur farm are counter to many of the American mink's most deeply ingrained instincts:

• Fur farms force mink into close proximity with each other, a potentially stressful environment for a naturally solitary animal. A small mink farm may house ten thousand mink; an incredibly large farm may house 100,000 or more.
• Mink on fur farms are kept in wire pens that are smaller than the bare minimum cage size recommendation for a single pet guinea pig. Unacceptable confinement for an animal that naturally ranges over miles, climbing, running, swimming, and hunting.
• Mink on fur farms are not given access to swimming water, and are often not even given access to open surface drinking water. For a semi-aquatic species, this deprivation of one of their most basic and deeply ingrained instincts is incredibly inhumane.

Crowded Conditions

Fur farms force mink into close proximity with each other, a potentially stressful environment for a naturally solitary animal. A small mink farm may house ten thousand mink; an incredibly large farm may house 100,000 or more. The sheer amount of waste production from this many animals causes intense odor and leads to groundwater contamination.

Life in Extreme Confinement

Mink on fur farms are kept in wire pens that are smaller than the bare minimum cage size recommendation for a single pet guinea pig. Unacceptable confinement for an animal that naturally ranges over miles, climbing, running, swimming, and hunting. The stress and boredom from this extreme confinement can lead to the development of stereotypic behavior:
• Manic pacing
• Head weaving
• Self mutilation
• Biting and tearing at the pens to the point of broken teeth and bloody noses